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  • [Registrant]Kei
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/12/11
  • Published : 2024/12/11
  • Changed :2024/12/11
  • Total View : 73 persons
Sports / Outdoor

Electric bicycle ( Equipped with various fixtures such as child seat ).

Price 1000
Location Murray Hill, New York, New York City, New York, 10017-6927 USA
Delivery Option Pick-up only

I am selling my electric bicycle as I am about to return home, it is a Lectric XPedition 1.0 model purchased around June 2024. See website owner's manual for specifications. We are selling it with 1 battery (, child seat, headlight, keys, anti-theft alarm, phone stand, bell, etc. installed, and a complete set of accessories such as electric inflator and charger, so you can ride it home directly after receiving it. The brake lever on one side is distorted, but there is no practical problem and the bike has only been used in good weather, so it is in good condition overall. The total price is over $2000 since I bought everything new, but since I have used it for 6 months and the new model 2.0 has recently come out, I am offering it for $1000. The photo is of the actual vehicle taken at the NYC Summer Streets event. It has the power and speed to carry two children in the back seat and still make light work of it. If you want to take your child to a playground or museum but don't want to ride the subway because of safety concerns, if you want to enjoy biking in Central Park or along the Hudson River, or if you are a frequent Citi Bike user who would benefit from buying a bike for yourself because the prices keep going up, this is the bike for you. If you are a frequent Citi Bike user and think it might be beneficial to purchase your own bike due to the continuing price increase, we recommend this option.
・ Price $1000
・ Payment Method Please pay at Venmo upon delivery
・ Delivery Location Midtown East, Murray Hill ( Details will be provided upon email contact ) Please contact us via email form if you wish to purchase.


Vivinavi - Personal Buy & Sell

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