• พาร์ททาม
  • งานเฉพาะด้าน

いろいろなことに挑戦して、学びながら働きたい方に向いている仕事です。This position is for persons who would like to take on multiple tasks and challenges and learn things from the experience while working.

Web Access No.2369405
Company Message

GIIP(ジーアイアイピ―)は会計・税務・米国進出・会社管理を中心としたサービスを、少数精鋭のワールドワイドチームで、日米に関連したビジネス・個人クライアントに提供する会社です。G I I P is an accounting and consulting firm of small world-wide team, providing services mainly in the areas of Accounting, Tax, US business setup, and corporate management to business and individual clients related to the U.S. and Japan.
私たちの特徴は、いわば関連領域における「何でも屋」で、プロフェッショナルとしてクライアントに価値を提供できることは出来る限り行います。We have a characteristics of "Utility Player" compared to other similar firms and provide any services that can offer values to our clients as professionals.


Job Summary

Employment Status พาร์ททาม
Job Type งานเฉพาะด้าน
Required Language ภาษาอังกฤษ/ภาษาญี่ปุ่น
Number of Positions จำนวนหนึ่ง
Work Location 71 West 23rd Street Suite 1624, New York, NY, 10010 US
[Work Location detail]
Avenue of the Americas (6th Avenue)と23rd Streetの北東角(地下鉄F線23rd St.駅上)ビルの16階
16th floor of a building on the north-east corner of Avenue of the Americas (6th Avenue) and 23rd Street.
Work Hours 09:00~18:00
[Work Hours detail]
パートタイムの方は応相談 Date and time to be discussed.
Job Description 会計・税務に関するサポート業務 Support tasks related to Accounting and Tax
会社管理バックオフィスサポート業務 Support tasks related to corporate management and back-office support.
Compensation รายชั่วโมง $16.00 - $45.00



Application Method
Job RequirementsPreferred: Passed CPA exam and would like to have experience or learning CPA exam.
US CPA試験学習中、もしくは試験合格して実地経験をしたい方、望ましい。

Preferred: Accounting Degree (Undergrad) 会計関連学位あればベター
Selection Process / Schedule書類選考:履歴書等を送付いただくとともに、何故このポジションに興味があるか志望理由を具体的に記述ください。また勤務可能スケジュールや条件もあれば記述ください。
Please send your resume and detailed description about why you would like to get this position.Please also indicate your preferred work schedule and any conditions.
Posting Period: 2024/12/03 (Tue) - 2025/01/03 (Fri)
* Application period may close early depending on the situation.
5 days left
Preservation of Job Applicant's rights and equal opportunity employment
Hiring companies shall not discriminate any applicants in regards to employment and any other benefits based on their race, skin color, religion, gender, sexual preference, gender identity or expression, age, disability, marital status, citizen status, genetics, and any other category protected by laws. Moreover, hiring companies shall comply with the laws of respective countries and regions in determining employment conditions such as compensation and holidays. Should you find any violation of this policy, please contact us.