- お店を検索するなら『タウンガイド』
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Dr. Zhou’s神経鍼灸クリニックは、2024年1月、マンハッタンとウェストチェスターにグランドオープンいたしました。マンハッタンは56丁目、ウェストチェスターはホワイトプレーンズと、2箇所とも日本人の多いエリアとなっています。Dr. Zhou(ドクターシュウ)は西洋医学と東洋医学の両方の知識を持つ、脳研究者でもあり、患者さんの状況によって、最善の治療法を考えるドクターです。鍼灸やカッピングの...
+1 (646) 799-9444Dr. Zhou's Neuro acupuncture
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目標:子供たちが未来社会を切り拓くための資質・能力の育成を目指して方針:土曜日は日本の教育を - 日本語で学び考える目指す教師像:子供達一人一人に目を向け育てる教師どうぞお気軽に(201)585-0555までお問い合わせください!!本校は幼児部年中組から高等部2年生まで、幅広く教育を行っています。また、初等部から高等部まで年齢の制限を受けることなく1つの学級として日本語や日本の文化を学ぶことができ...
+1 (201) 585-0555ニュージャージー補習授業校
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マンハッタンで日本式健康診断、受診キャンペーン実施中-受付~診断まで- 全て日本語での対応
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+1 (929) 424-8055MOCOCO
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お手頃な価格で新鮮な魚を楽しめる寿司レストラン Sushi Kaiお任せコースはボリュームたっぷりで心まで満たされます。当店では、1時間のおまかせコースをお一人当たり85ドルでご提供しております。85ドルのおまかせコースには、3種の前菜、握り10貫、ウニ&イクラ丼、そして手巻きとなります。落ち着いた雰囲気の店内でくつろぎながらお食事をお楽しみ下さい。
+1 (914) 396-7705Sushi Kai
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Kai Sweetsでは、ポークカツカレーやオムライス、ホット/アイスドリンクやタピオカティー、マカロン、いちご大福、シュークリーム、クレープなどのスイーツを提供しております。2019年からは、mochimochi Kai Sweetsでもちドーナツも提供し始めました。そして、2022年にはKai Creameryをオープンいたしました!しぼりたてモンブランのせソフトクリーム、バブルシェイクなども...
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+1 (212) 228-2800Tim Ho Wan
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米国と日本を結ぶ、国際税務と国際ビジネスの架け橋。GIIP(ジーアイアイピー)は、日系クライアントのために米国関連のソリューションを提供する会計事務所です。企業の法人設立や税務申告や報告から、個人の米国税務申告、日本帰国後の米国市民権・永住権保有者の方の税務対応まで、お気軽にお問い合わせください。~個人向けサービス~■米国個人所得税申告個人米国所得税申告・タックスリターン(Form 1040, 1...
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+1 (201) 947-4832ニューヨーク育英学園 Japanese Children's Society
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+1 (201) 947-3777レモイン歯科
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- 早い、安い、安心。良心的な料金で、迅速かつ安全にお引越しのサポートを致します。ま...
25年以上の経験を生かして、皆さまのお引越しのお手伝いを致します。料金などもフレキシブルに対応!電話一本で、ドア to ドア!!まずはお電話ください!
+1 (917) 682-6318引越し太郎
Addressing, removing, and preventing barriers
Commissioner’s Corner
Our agency’s mission is driven by a simple, yet invaluable message: all New Yorkers deserve to live, work, and thrive free from discrimination. This includes students from all backgrounds and nations who choose to study in our great city. Our agency recently released a fact sheet https://www.nyc.gov/assets/cchr/downloads/pdf/materials/NYCStudents_KYR2024.pdf alerting students to their protections under the Law, and their responsibilities to treat their classmates and fellow New Yorkers with dignity and respect. Only together can we foster a safe city in which everyone is valued.
This month our agency will celebrate AAPI month and we have a slew of dynamic events that will uplift and center AAPI history and voices. I am beyond excited for the Civil Rights Walking Tour organized by the Commission. This tour will explore the rich history of civil rights advocacy in New York City and highlight the impactful organizing of not only the AAPI community, but spotlight victories achieved by coalitions made up of a multitude of identities. The walking tour will culminate in a pop-up art show organized by the Commission and hosted by the Chinese American Planning Council. The event will showcase artwork by AAPI youth and will touch on themes of representation and history as it relates to the AAPI community.
Annabel Palma
Commissioner and Chair
Human Rights Law and Discrimination in Housing Course
In partnership with the Asian Real Estate Association of America https://areaa.org/, CCHR will offer a course to NYS-licensed brokers and/or real estate agents. The materials covered are a brief introduction to the NYC Human Rights Law and address in detail specific protections, especially lawful sources of income discrimination and protections for people with disabilities. It ends with providing information on potential consequences when the law is violated and offers best practices for brokers. All NYS licensed brokers and/or real estate agents will receive free 1.5 credit education units (CEU); they must arrive on time, stay for the entirety of the session, and bring license information to the training.
Date: Tuesday, May 21st
Location: 140 West 62nd Street, New York, NY 10023
Room G76
Time: 9:00 AM-10:30 AM
APPLY HERE https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=x2_1MoFfIk6pWxXaZlE77wZIIkQc5E5HsBmmkLm_NQhUQ1NQRE41TTdNOFJYNEJXV1NQVEpXM0hJNy4u
AAPI Experience in America Art Pop-Up
To celebrate Asian American and Pacific Island (AAPI) heritage month, CCHR will host a pop-up art event with our community partner, the Chinese-American Planning Council, Inc. (CPC). We would like to invite community artists to submit their art for the show. In line with the Commission’s work to elevate the voices and experiences of NYC’s diverse communities, the event will showcase AAPI experiences in America.
Date: Thursday, May 23rd
Location: Chinese-American Planning Council
50 Norfolk St, New York, NY 10002
Time: 5:30 PM
2024-2025 YES Council Application
click here to watch video https://youtu.be/AoSco0-rTwk
The application cycle for CCHR’s 2024-2025 YES Council https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/community/youth_for_equity_and_solidarity.page is now open!
The YES Council is the NYC Commission on Human Rights’ council of young leaders, between the ages of 14 and 18, who are interested in working on human rights issues in New York City. These young leaders advise the Commission on how to expand our engagement with young people and help guide our youth programming and events by providing feedback on workshops and trainings, informing us of issues and incidents related to bias and discrimination, and planning youth-related events.
The purpose of the council is to build long-term engagement with young people interested in and committed to the mission of the Commission, and to empower young people to become actively engaged in fostering environments of inclusion and respect. Commission staff supports youth council members with trainings and other opportunities that helps to build their advocacy and organizing skills using a human rights framework.
APPLY HERE https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=x2_1MoFfIk6pWxXaZlE77wZIIkQc5E5HsBmmkLm_NQhUQ1NQRE41TTdNOFJYNEJXV1NQVEpXM0hJNy4u
Students in NYC: Know Your Rights Factsheet
Students attending schools and universities in New York City have the same protections under the New York City Human Rights Law as anyone who lives in, works in, or visits NYC.
READ FACTSHEET https://www.nyc.gov/assets/cchr/downloads/pdf/materials/NYCStudents_KYR2024.pdf
"Rights Here. Right Now." Episode 2
The second episode, which aired on April 29, 2024, featured a conversation with Managing Director of Project Equal Access Anna Martinez and Assistant Commissioner of the Law Enforcement Bureau Katherine Carroll about protections against housing discrimination for New Yorkers with disabilities https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/community/equal-access.page.
The second half of the episode saw hosts Chief of Staff Jose Rios Lua and Deputy Commissioner of Policy and External Affairs JoAnn Kamuf Ward chat with Associate Human Rights Specialist Daniela Adames and Supervising Attorney Stephanie Rivera about lawful source of income protections https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/media/source-of-income.page under the New York City Human Rights Law https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/law/the-law.page and the work the Commission does to prevent discrimination toward voucher holders in NYC.
LISTEN TO EPISODE 2 https://www.nyc.gov/site/cchr/media/rights-here-right-now.page
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