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New York Asian Film Festival

Noticia Local
  • ぺぺたま
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  • 2021/07/13 14:33


2021/8/6 - 22


▪ EXTREME JOB (Lee Byeong-Hun, 2019, South Korea, 111min) - Friday February 14th, 7PM Post-screening #CHIMAEK-PARTY [Korean's beloved combo of fried chicken + beer] with delectable food tastings especially made to match the film: BBQ Chicken KTown, Chapati Man, Halal Guys, Makku! HITE BEER and JINRO SOJU!

▪ TAMPOPO (Itami Juzo, 1985, Japan, 114min) - Saturday February 15th, 1PM ▪ EAT DRINK MAN WOMAN (Ang Lee, 1994, Taiwan, 123min) - Saturday February 15th, 3:30PM ▪ GOD OF COOKERY (Stephen Chow, 1996 , Hong Kong, 92min) - Saturday February 15th, 6:30PM Post-screening PARTY with specially themed FOOD TASTINGS to match the film! From Brooklyn Ramen, 886, Char Sue, Chapati Man, Halal Guys! as well as drinks to enjoy the food and the company!

▪ THE LUNCHBOX (Ritesh Batra, 2013, India, 105min) - Sunday February 16th, 1:00PM ▪ ZONE PRO SITE: THE MOVEABLE FEAST (Chen Yu-hsun, 2013, Taiwan, 145 min) - Sunday February 16th, 3:30PM ▪ THE FIRST SUPPER (Tokiwa Shiro, 2019, Japan, 127 min.) - Sunday February 16th, 6:30PM Post-screening PARTY with FOOD TASTINGS from Chapati Man, 886, Karl's Balls, Halal Guys, and drinks!!

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