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  • a
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  • 2023/06/28 00:46

Has anyone had a theft in a room share ??

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I don't think anything was taken, but there are signs that it has entered the house without permission while I was out.

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Leaving the company while stationed

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  • 斎藤
  • mail
  • 2021/06/28 11:32

Has anyone resigned while in Japan ?
I am thinking of resigning soon as I am fed up with the relationships.
I would appreciate it if you could tell me how and when to inform the parent company in Japan of my resignation.

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  • アマリリス
  • 2021/07/08 (Thu) 11:06
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I don't know how or when to inform the parent company, but in many cases I hear from expatriates that they receive benefits and support in various aspects, so it might be a good idea to be prepared for when that is no longer the case. If you are returning to Japan, I don't think it matters, but if you are staying in the US after leaving the company, I think the conditions will be quite different if you find a job locally. Sorry for the unhelpful opinion.

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Is it difficult to get a work visa sponsored in New York ??

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  • あるひ
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  • 2021/06/03 11:49

? Is it difficult to get a job with H-1B or other visa? ?

What kind of business is easy to find a job or get a visa? I would like to get your advice !.

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About Internships

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  • 若造
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  • 2021/05/26 19:41

I hear the word "internship" but I don't understand it.
What is the difference from a job ?

I would like to intern at an American company, but I don't know where to start. Can I intern on a student visa ??

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  • Brewery
  • 2021/05/26 (Wed) 20:04
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With an intern, you are still a trainee, so there is a strong element of being taught. If you search for internships, you will find dedicated websites. I think some internships are all about chores if you don't ask carefully about the duties before you start.

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  • アン
  • 2021/05/26 (Wed) 20:05
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I don't think they will give you a great job, but you should try it because everything is an experience ?
If you want to make money, you should get a part-time job, not an internship.

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  • 蘭ちゃん
  • 2021/05/29 (Sat) 12:08
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I'm guessing you're often asked to do "research" work.

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  • てるてる坊主
  • 2021/06/02 (Wed) 12:53
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It depends on whether you want to put the internship on your resume as work experience or if you want your own work experience. If you want to put it on your resume, you should decide on an internship related to a job you want to do in the future, even if it is unpaid, by focusing on the content. If you just want to get some experience, you should try anything you have never done before, such as office work, sales, etc.

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Please tell me about the school district.

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  • 悩める母
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  • 2021/05/25 16:18

Please let me know if I have any knowledge at all about the good and bad school districts. Thank you in advance.

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  • めるみ
  • 2021/05/25 (Tue) 16:19
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This site can help.

I'm sure there are other ways to find school district reviews online.
Good luck.

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New York Divorce Information Exchange ?

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  • snowhite
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  • 2021/05/04 20:36

I am considering divorcing my American husband.
Please introduce me to anyone who has had a good experience with this lawyer.
I have consulted with several people but have not been able to find the right lawyer.
I want to be cautious as this is a case with a child. Also, I would be happy to exchange information with anyone who has been through this or is going through a divorce.
Thank you in advance.

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How far in advance can I apply for summer school ??

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  • matsu
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  • 2021/04/15 17:08

How long ago did you all apply ?
If you have any good ways to gather information other than internet searches, please let me know.

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Suspension of Acceptance of Shipments from Japan to the U.S.

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  • みいこG
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  • 2021/01/18 00:59

Nice to meet you.
I usually have essentials sent from Japan every 3 months, but I am having trouble because they stopped accepting packages from Japan to the US in October.
I can't find any substitutes for the essentials because we don't have them here.
I called Yamato International Takkyubin in Japan, but they too told me that all shipments to the US have been suspended.
How is everyone else doing ??

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スピード違反切符 guiltyに変更できるのか、について

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  • わんわん
  • mail
  • 2020/12/07 19:09


去年の11月にスピード違反切符をHarrison, New Yorkで切られました。当時はnot guiltyで提出し、裁判所に行く日付も今年の4月ごろ予定でしたが、コロナの影響で延期が続き、今では「あなたの日付は未定です」と手紙をもらいました。

しかし、近々日本に本帰国するので、もし今後、裁判所に来なさいと言われても日本から向かうのは不可能に近いです。従って、not guiltyで提出しましたが、guiltyに今変えて払わなきゃいけない罰金を払い、ポイントは貰ってしまおうと思っています。

この時点でnot guiltyからguiltyに変えることは可能なのでしょうか?もし以前同じような経験、特にHarrison Town Courtで同じ経験した方がいらっしゃいましたら、お答えいただけると助かります。

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  • natunatu
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  • 2018/09/13 12:49

マンハッタンの 日本人歯科医院で体を触られるなどのセクハラを受けました、悔しくてたまりません、。全ての会話などは録音しています。アドバイスを受けたくて投稿しました。




49 st の O歯科医ですよね、私の知り合いの20代の女性も体を触られるなどの被害にあっています、録音などの証拠もあるので集団訴訟できると思います、同じ様な被害にあわれた方、アドバイスを頂ける方、連絡ください、


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